You don’t have to be an artist, crafter or DIY enthusiast to inspire creativity in your home. But you do need a little stash of supplies for when creativity strikes. Today I’m sharing 5 things I think everyone needs, regardless of how creative (or not) you feel. These 5 Must Have Craft Supplies might just help when you want to sit down and make something with the kids or just on your own.
5 Must Have Craft Supplies Every Household Needs
No matter how little or how much crafting you do, these supplies should be in every home. There are so many great projects you can make with combinations of these supplies. From home decor to party supplies or kids crafts, having these supplies on hand will make it easier to get creative any time you’d like.
Paper – you can make a million things with just paper. I love paper, so I have a whole variety, but really, you can get away with just basic white copy paper. A ream (that thick package you buy at the store) is as little as $3 or $4 at most major retailers. You can even find it at the grocery store. You can also try incorporating other paper just as newspaper, magazine pages and even that pesky junky mail you keep putting in the trash. Buy Craft Paper
Something to write with – If it makes a mark, you can doodle with it. Yes, Lipstick or a bottle of catsup would probably work, but try using a pencil, pen, crayons, markers or maybe a set of colored pencils. More fun things to try… chalk, charcoal (the drawing kind, not the BBQ kind, although both would work), paint, calligraphy pens… the list goes on. Buy Art Markers | Buy Colored Pencils OR I have a whole list of supplies for people who love to draw, doodle and color. Check it out!
Scissors – if you have paper, cutting it makes for even more options of things to create. If you have kids, and only want a single pair of scissors in the house (why, I don’t understand, but we’re rolling with hypotheticals right now), then I suggest going for a pair of kid friendly/kid safe scissors. They cut paper just fine and won’t poke out an eye quite as easily as the high end sharp grown up variety. Buy craft scissors
Adhesive – Glue turns paper into a party! Glue, tape, staples… anything that helps one piece of paper attach to another is a great item to include in your creative basket. With young kids in the house, I opt for glue sticks, but a good all purpose glue long with a roll of regular transparent tape are regulars on my checklist. Bonus: Duck Brand Duct Tape is a huge hit these days… grab a roll and try it, it might make you giggle a little.. that’s a good thing! Buy Craft glue | Buy Hot Glue | Buy Craft tape
And then the most important craft supply
Imagination – ok, before you roll your eyes at me (I can’t see it anyway)… I’m not trying to be corny. Really be open minded about this one. You need to take that paper, pencil, scissors and glue and put them together. They won’t do it by themselves. But anything that comes out of the effort is fair fame. Imagination is a magical thing, but you already have it. Don’t argue with me, you do. You just need to be ok with what comes from it. That is a conversation for another day so for now I’ll just remind you… There is no right nor wrong and all you need to do it just love that you can create. If your magic mind creates squares, then run with it. There was a whole art movement based on squares and it made headlines in all the history books… ever hear of cubism?
Need some help with creative inspiration or ideas? I have some ideas to share with you!
Extra craft supplies I love:
I am a bit of craft hoarder, so I have all the supplies for all the things. I am not typical and I should not be your example. That said, there are some additional craft supplies I use regularly and I highly recommend.
Paint – craft paint, watercolor paint, spray paint, I love it all. I especially love watercolor pencils because they draw and with a water and brush you can turn your drawing into a painting. Buy craft paint
Hot Glue Gun – this is a personal preference. I love love my hot glue gun. We love each other. You have to feel confident in your handling of this tool or it can become a bother to use or even add to painful glue burns (use the low setting if you aren’t a solid hot glue gun user yet). I use plenty of other glue, but if hot glue can get it done, that’s one of my top choices. Buy Hot Glue
Cricut cutting machine – I could say “any cutting machine” is must. But, I’m biased. I love my Cricut machine. It’s easy to use, easy to upload a variety of images and really quick to create with. You can learn more about my love for the Cricut machine here or check out my list of Cricut project ideas here.
Want more craft ideas?
- Check out my list of Craft Tutorials
- Read about National Craft Month
- I love making Cricut Projects, check out my list of Cricut Project Ideas.