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Allow Yourself to be Creative

Written by: | Published: April 24, 2012 | Updated: August 10, 2015

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to keep. I absolutely love this quote by Scott Adams. Being creative isn't a talent. It's an ability to be ok with your own ideas. Instead of going with the flow like the rest of the herd, allow yourself to try something different, just to see what happens. That's creativity.

You can be creative!

Try it.

What if you color the sky orange? Does it matter.. does it really matter if it's not realistic?


Creativity is being allowed to make mistakes...
Creativity is being allowed to make mistakes…

No – creativity isn't about being 100% accurate

or realistic or right. It's about letting your brain explore and reaching out to see what you discover. There is no right nor wrong. It's brainstorming, trial and error and just setting out to answer – or at least attempt to answer – a curiosity. So really, you have to start by allowing yourself to be curious.

From my perspective, there is no art without creativity but you don't have to have an artistic skill to be creative. Even a straight line can be creative, if you say it is.

So tell me – what creativity are you going to allow today?

You're motivated and ready to go but something is still in the way.. If you aren't sure where to start, check out my article: How to be Creative. It should help you discover which direction you want to begin. You don't have to have a studio or a grand plan of fabulous artistic success, you just need to stop putting your own ideas in a box. Get that brain thinking and let it out to play a bit. I'm sure that soon, you'll be the most creative person you know! But you have to start somewhere.. so start here, right now!  Then stop back by and tell me what you discovered about your own creative awesomeness!

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Jen Goode Headshot

Jen is Passionate about Creativity. She is the owner and "doodle in charge" of JGoode Designs, a Denver based design studio. She is an illustrator, mixed media artist and creative lifestyle blogger. Jen has been a creative professional since 1998 but says she's been an artist since she was old enough to eat glue.

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7 thoughts on “Allow Yourself to be Creative”

  1. Love the quote. Being creative, to me, is allowing yourself the freedom to buck convention or think outside the box. Not feeling “I should do this because everyone else is”….do it your way!

  2. I’ve been thinking about/researching creativity a lot lately. I don’t think I’ve heard such a spot on idea about what creativity is than when the author writes – “Being creative isn’t a talent. It’s an ability to be ok with your own ideas.” I appreciate your creative mind & this post – thanks!

  3. Well said!! I always cringe when people say to me “I don’t have a creative bone in my body”. It drives me nuts because we all have it! Like you said it’s simply a matter of going with it, trial and error, exploring, being ok with the whole process.
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Such wise words, and the concept is so simple isn’t it? Everyone should allow that little bit of creativity to ooze out. When our children are very young and begin coloring, they may make their people purple and yellow and blue. We shouldn’t hand them the peach colored crayon and correct them, but rather relish their signs of inner creativity. Great post Jen 🙂


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