Sweet little lunch notes go a long way toward sharing smiles in lunches with the kids. So here's a set of printable sweet lunch notes you can use to share a grin with your kids at lunchtime.

My kids always get a kick out of cute little notes they don't expect. It lets them know I am thinking of them. Grab a set of these printables and maybe throw in a little sweet snack for extra yummy fun! We're big fans of cookies around here.
Make Sweet Treats Lunch Notes
This set of cute lunch notes include original illustrations by Jen Goode. There are 3 different notes to choose from along with some hearts you can also cut out and use to either decorate the notes or throw into the lunch box too. I've created a second printable you can use with these cuties that are designed to fold and then you can use a heart to seal the note like a sticker.
Download and print one page or both. You can also use these printable lunch notes as Valentines. Grab the 6 note page and print as many times as you'd like. I think it would be super cute with individually wrapped cake mix cookies or a little bag of party snack mix.
If you'd like, you can use these cute notes as art cards. Print and cut them out and then adhere them to a larger card to make a little handmade card or Valentine. Fun, right!? I'd love to hear about what you create. Stop by the 100 Directions facebook page or tag me #jengoodeart to show me your creations!