I had the chance to see BRAVE last night and really enjoyed it. I took the whole family and made a night of it… dinner, movie and then gelato for dessert. We had a great time! Yet another great Disney Pixar film, full of artistic detail, fantastic story telling and even a few surprises. This family friendly film is full of action, excitement, adventure and a bit of magic. I think it's best for kids 8 and up, kids 12 and older will appreciate it the most.

There are plenty of laughs to be had, the men are hilarious and so exaggerated in their goofiness. There is terrific detail in the art from the clothing and authentic landscape to the beautiful curls on Merida's head. The soundtrack is wonderful. I think all family members will enjoy the storyline. The dialog is easy to follow and the humor isn't too hidden.
This is also a great mother/daughter, girl's night out movie, although the boys will like it too. It was fun to see the girl power lead in this movie. Merida is a girl that knows who she is and what she wants… and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Her mother just wants what's best for her, tries to teach and guide yet manages to get on her nerves, like all moms, right? They love each other but they also clash a bit – it's a great story I think many of us can relate to. In the end, it's obvious that Merida just wants to find her own way… loving her family in the process. She is definitely a fabulous character to add to the Disney princess line-up!
I really loved the story telling and “words of wisdom” throughout BRAVE. Many one-liners you can take home with you. There's a new twist to “Disney magic” in this film as well. I liked the new angle and I especially liked that the magic, although a main point in the movie, it wasn't the focus. The message for this film, I think, is don't rely on a magic potion to get to where you want to go – look inside yourself and make it happen for yourself.
Best ages for this movie 8 and up. I took all 3 of my kids, 5, 9 and 16. Each was interested and stayed interested throughout the movie, but the 5 year old did cover her eyes and huddle in Dad's lap quite a few times. I also had a friend tell me that her 10 year old daughter thought the film was a bit too scary.
I don't think BRAVE is appropriate for young children. As with most all current animated movies, there are bits of adult humor, however, there are also some potentially scary drama scenes. The main “villain” in this movie is a big black bear who definitely snarls, shows his teeth and even gets into a pretty intense fight with another bear. If you have sensitive kids or young kids, be prepared for a few eye covering moments or wait to see this film. There isn't anything gruesome, just animal drama and a scene with some kilt-less bums.
Now, there are tons of BRAVE toys for young girls at the Disney store and other retail outlets, so I really wanted to be able to say, YES, this movie is perfect for little princesses. If you are determined to go (it is a fantastic film), just be prepared for a few scary moments, give your kiddo a heads up and hide those eyes if they are a bit nervous… no biggie. The movie title does say it all… it's about learning to be BRAVE – This is Disney, afterall.
No spoilers here – however, as the credits were rolling, I turned to my hubby to tell him how much I miss seeing the fun little mini clips at the end of movies. You know, those last minute scenes to add an extra show laugh after the credits roll? Just as I finished pouting for a minute, the credits ended and there was a fun little ending scene. Sit and stay for it.
More BRAVE goodness:
BRAVE opens in theaters June 22nd