Make cute little mason jar gift boxes with these free Christmas printables. There are 3 different box sizes, each designed to look like little mason jars, complete with lids. You can print plain white card stock, colored card stock or even add your own color however you'd like. Add some glitter and little gift tags, and you'll have a unique gift wrapping to give your friends and family.

Mason Jar Gift Box Printables
Download your own copy of these free printables.
To make these boxes, just cut out, assemble and enjoy. For more tips and ideas, visit The Country Chic Cottage, you'll find a full assembly tutorial and more great photos of this project.
Each printable set also includes a couple small snowflake circles. Use these to make mini gift tags or as extra accents for your gift boxes.
More ideas for using this free printable:
- Cut out the individual jar images and use as gift tags.
- Add glitter, your own ribbon, buttons and other embellishments to decorate your jars.
- Cut out one side of the box and replace with a plastic sheet to make a mason jar box with window view of the contents inside.
- Glue the lids to the box and make cute mason jar ornaments.
- Print out the jar designs on to fabric transfer paper and make cute fabric ornaments and gifts.
I'd love to hear what fun projects you create with this free mason jar printable!
The mason jar templates are really cute. Thank you for sharing your God-given talents.
Love the jars they are awesome thank you for sharing them Sheila
Thank you these are lovely!
Thank YOU – I’m so glad you like them. Happy Holidays!
These are adorable! Thank you! Happy Holidays!
Thank YOU and Happy Holidays right back at you.
thank’s for your sharing is very nice I love it,,,
You are so welcome, thank you for the note!
Thanks so much for sharing. I have a Secret Sister and what an unusual way to present a gift!
Oh I hope she loved it!!
Thank you for such a cute craft idea. Will work good for candy boxes!
So glad you like these printables, thank you!
These are amazing! I have a friend in the nursing home (walking issues) and she can CUT! These will be her next project! She’ll cut them out with perfection and then I assemble and I will gt her some treats to go inside and she’ll fill them closer to Christmas. What a blessing! It’s a gift she can make herself to give to the staff there. Residents don’t have money to GIVE GIFTS but I’ll be sure she makes these and I’ll get some nice candy to fill the insides! Thanks so much for sharing!
Linda, I am so glad you like these printables. I hope your friend has a great time with them!
Found you from over at The Country Chic cottage. I love these so much, you are very talented, such an original idea. Thanks
Love the idea, very cute.
Thank You
Now thats JUST cute. Thanks for sharing.