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Egg and Veggies Superfood Breakfast

Written by: | Published: March 27, 2015 | Updated: August 07, 2015

Super yummy and Super good for you can absolutely go hand-in-hand, especially for breakfast. Lately we’ve been trying to get more protein into our diet. Breakfast seems to be the one meal of the day that is the hardest for us to get protein included. We’re usually short on time, cereal is a great goto full meal, but by mid-morning we are tired or grumpy or starving. So, I’ve been playing with different breakfast ideas and this egg and veggies super food breakfast has been a winner all around!

Eggs and Veggies Superfood Breakfast
Eggs and Veggies Superfood Breakfast

I’m sharing this breakfast recipe along with some of my creative friends as part of this month’s recipe challenge with Jill  from Create. Craft. Love. – the theme for March… yummy breakfast!

Egg and Veggies Superfood Breakfast

I make slightly different variations of this egg breakfast depending on who I am cooking it for. Because eggs are cooked to serve, it’s each to change up the ingredients for each round I make. Here is the ultimate yumminess of all of the varieties.


  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tsp Chia seeds
  • 1/2 tsp Jane’s Mixed up Salt (or any salt)
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh spinach
  • 2 tbsp chopped onion (I prefer white onions)
  • 1 tbsp parmesan cheese (I like it shredded)
  • 1-2 chopped mushrooms
  • 1/2 toasted english muffin
  • 2 slices of avocado
  • Cooked bacon

To Make the veggies and eggs

  1. Prepare all ingredients – chopping veggies, etc.
  2. Melt 1 tsp real butter in a skillet on medium heat
  3. Crack egg on to skillet
  4. sprinkle on chia seeds and salt
  5. add onions and mushrooms
  6. Sprinkle cheese on top
  7. Once all of the white of the egg is cooked, use a spatula to flip the egg over. Cook until the yolk is the consistency you like.
  8. If you like a full cooked yolk, allow the egg to cook a little longer on the first side before flipping – this will prevent the chia seeds and cheese from burning.
  9. Place toasted english muffin on your plate. Top with the cooked egg. Add Avocado for garnish.
  10. Top with crumbled bacon – you can also add the bacon to the toppings before flipping the egg so it gets cooked into the egg a little bit.
Adding chia seeds to fried eggs
Adding chia seeds to fried eggs

The Chia seeds don’t really have any flavor, they do add a tiny bit of texture to the meal and a load of great nutrients. Substitution idea, instead of butter try using Coconut oil. It does add a hint of sweetness to the dish, but the salt and the veggies balance out the flavor, more yumminess to try!

Cooking veggies with a fried egg
Cooking veggies with a fried egg

You can mix and match the veggies you include, it’s delicious with all kinds of combination. The spinach and parm is my absolute favorite and because this is a fried egg and cooked quickly, the spinach isn’t that typical slimy cooked texture you get when cooking spinach.

You could get all this delicious goodness by making an omelet too. I, however, am horrible at making omelets. I don’t know what it is.. they just turn out awful.. all eggy and ew. But fried eggs, I’m much better.. not always perfect, but better!

Take a bit of eggs and veggies - great breakfast meal
Take a bit of eggs and veggies – great breakfast meal

Have a bite!

Breakfast of eggs and veggies - a superfood meal!
Breakfast of eggs and veggies – a superfood meal!

There is all kinds of goodness in this meal. There’s plenty of protein, good for you Omega 3 fats, veggies and nutrients. I usually leave out the english muffin on my plate. Go with a whole grain choice or even gluten free if you prefer.

Head over to Create. Craft. Love. to check out these other great breakfast ideas!

Yummy Breakfast ideas
Yummy Breakfast ideas


I’d love to hear if you try this break and what variations you come up with – Happy breakfast time!


I’ve shared this project at the May Link Party over at Not Just a Housewife

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Jen Goode Headshot

Jen is Passionate about Creativity. She is the owner and "doodle in charge" of JGoode Designs, a Denver based design studio. She is an illustrator, mixed media artist and creative lifestyle blogger. Jen has been a creative professional since 1998 but says she's been an artist since she was old enough to eat glue.

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