I worked all day today with little thought of how cool February 29th really is. An entire extra day, and I did nothing with it. Work as usual. Kids as usual. It’s kind of a goofy little day. Leap day – it’s a Leap year. Which, according to my 9 year old, also means we have Spring Olympics this year (~wink).
We don’t celebrate anything today (unless it’s your birthday or anniversary or something non-universal), we’re just evening out our own made up calendar so the dates flow right because the math doesn’t work out any other way and for some reason we decided we needed to set things up the way we did. There’s a more scientific or exacting way to describe and explain it all, I’m not quoting anything right now… I’m watching American Idol.
The day was just full of random thoughts. Have you seen one of these before… I have no idea what kind of spider this is.
So I started thinking… about nothing in particular. Why we do the things we do. How often opportunities come along. What do we notice and what do we acknowledge vs what do we let pass by without much concern or real intent. What would happen if we analyzed less yet paid more attention… took more time but accomplished twice as much. If we ment what we said and said what we ment AND actually heard one another they way they ment us to hear them. What then?
I didn’t do anything special for this extra day. Did you? I let the opportunity pass me by without any kind of consideration. What did you do with your extra day?