Last night I went and saw a pre-screening of Mirror Mirror starring Julia Roberts and I LOVED it! This is a modern twist to the classic Snow White story with all the magical charm you'd expect from a true fairytale. I laughed, I was in captivated by the beautiful costumes and scenery and I almost cried… a tiny tear welled up in my eye. I went expecting a fun film, I saw a fantastic film.

Julia Roberts is both charming and wonderfully evil as she plays Snow White's stepmother.
Lily Collins is delightful and charming and surprising as Snow White. She's adorable and seemingly innocent, but she has a few tricks to share throughout the movie.
Armie Hammer plays Prince Andrew Alcott, a handsome, witty and hysterical man with a loving heart. He plays the perfect prince… with and without a shirt.
The costumes and scenery in this film was beyond my expectations. The outfits are true to fairytale visions with fun, whimsical details and brilliant colors. I found myself wondering what kind of fabric was used and where can I buy some for myself. The ball was an amazing sea of antique white formal wear, I was so involved in looking at the various masks and dress detailing that I missed some of the dialog. Look how beautiful this scene is…
Throughout the movie there are beautiful scenes that capture the mood perfectly. For my artistic eye, the movie was full of visuals to stimulate the imagination and spark some creativity to bring home. Usually I analyze visual effects in movies, pointing out the computer vs real or staged facets, With Mirror Mirror I was captivated by the visuals instead of trying to take them apart. That said, I did wonder if the “giants” (bandits on stilts) were real or computer generated. I've since seen behind the scenes footage showing the dwarves actually running on stilts- that's some talented running for sure!
This entire movie is imagination at it's best. The wedding guest scene (below) is what I would have pictured in an Alice and Wonderful scene. There's no detail missed, I couldn't have imagined a more whimsical presentation. Can you imagine wearing these outfits? This would make a fantastic theme for our next neighborhood party!
I thoroughly enjoyed Mirror Mirror and definitely recommend you check it out as well. It's worth the movie ticket! It is rated PG, good for the whole family. Smaller kids might find a few of the scenes a bit scary and will miss some of the humor. This is not your typical Snow White story.
Jen, it was fun seeing the movie with you and you nailed the review. I can’t wait to see some of the masks and magic you create after being inspired by the film.
Thanks for sharing the review! I always wonder what a movie will REALLY be like after I’ve seen how they promote it in commercials. Nice to see they match for once. *grin*